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Summer Lovin’: A Restaurant PR Guide to Dating in London

May 28th 2019

Anyone working in restaurant PR is your best guide to dating in London…

Dating is tough, especially when your diary is full of restaurant PR work. It can be difficult enough to find the time to swipe through Tinder, let alone go on potentially awkward first dates. And what if the person of interest has bad taste in food? The horror! 

The only redeeming thing about dating in London is that it’s a great opportunity to try out new restaurants. By trying out new spots, you don’t run the risk of a disastrous date ruining your favourite local joint. And even if you don’t fall in love with this week’s cutest Hinge match, you just might fall in love with a new restaurant. And we’d argue that that’s even more special. 

There’s an exciting lineup of restaurants opening this summer, many of which will be great first-date venues. But out of all the establishments welcoming customers for the first time, these are the three that we’re most anticipating.


This bowl-based restaurant, spearheaded by National Chef of the Year winner Frederick Forster, will serve globally-inspired bowls made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Located on Great Marlborough Street, this is sure to be a go-to spot for dine in and takeaway orders. It’ll be ideal for casual first dates, as the atmosphere promises to be relaxed and easy. SOW also happens to be one of our clients, so we are extra amped about this one. Find us lunching there from 11 June. 


This one may best be reserved for second dates. Patrick Powell will be the head chef, and his CV alone makes our mouths water. Located in Olympic Park, Allegra will be a sky-high dining experience with beautiful views, an outside terrace and herb garden. Bring a date here if you really want to sweep them off their feet. 

Fugitive Motel

Looking to impress a date that’s a bit quirkier and edgier than you are? Fugitive Motel is sure to impress. Opened by musicians, this Bethnal Green joint will specialize in craft beers and pizza, although it will boast a daytime coworking place as well. This means that, if the date goes well, you can honestly tell your kids that their parents met “at work.” Right? 

We can’t wait to try out these new restaurants when they finally open their doors – and their kitchens – especially because we’re really hoping to fall in love this summer. With restaurants, of course. But if you know anyone that’s single…don’t hesitate to give them our contact info

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