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Restaurant PR 101

Apr 30th 2019

Here in restaurant PR, we like to get our press ducks in order when organising a super structured press meeting. Please see below our top-tips for a successfully, smooth face to face with fantastically rich results. 

Step 1: Who to target  

  • Choose a relevant title, that relates to a number of restaurant PR stories you’re aiming to achieve coverage for 
  • If there’s any publications we would love to achieved coverage within ie. Time Out– we can use this as a tactical long-term relationship builder
  • Check job titles – make sure you’re contacting the correct writer ie. lifestyle/ features/ digital / food / what’s on + listings 

Step 2: How to book them in

  • Get in touch via email – Introduce yourself & Me:Mo, the kings of resraurant PR – and provide a brief overview of 2-3 clients and then add link to client page of the website 
  • Make sure the email is tailored to each specific journo & publication – always include link if possible (Ie. I know you worked alongside my colleague xxxx)
  • Keep the email fairly light in tone – always good to mention a specific feature the title runs ie. I’ve noticed you cover lots of East London restaurant online, we look after xxx 
  • Always good to sign off mentioning it would be great to understand the best way to work together moving forward – so they know it’s mutually beneficial 
  • If you’re struggling to hear back on email then pick-up the phone or follow them on Instagram/Twitter and drop them a DM – they’re more likely to be more active on these channels 

Step 3: Top stories for the meeting

  • Email the team the day before to ask if there’s anything specific they’d like you to pitch – and from there, compile your top restaurant PR stories 
  • Always bring a client list with you, and iPad (if possible) to easily showcase imagery from respective clients
  • Given the time sensitivity of meetings, always pitch the most relevant stories first – and don’t pitch more than 5

Step 4: Hints & tips during the meeting

  • Do your research on the title & journalist and what stories they’re most likely to cover 
  • Better to attend in pairs – feel free to bring a more experienced member of the team to join you to chat through their clients’ amazing restaurant PR stories too 
  • Don’t feel like you need to be pitching in Me:Mo and clients for the entire meeting – ask them about themselves and what they enjoy 
  • Be sure to ask what they need for us for upcoming restaurant PR stories – and how best to pitch into them eg.
    • When’s the best day to pitch in to you? 
    • Do you ever feature video content?
    • What’s the best way to pitch into you ie. one person collating all pitches into one email?
  • Remember it’s a relationship builder, so good to get to know them and find out:
    • Where they live
    • What’s their favourite cuisine
    • Their top London restaurants 
  • Always good to name drop articles they’ve written before or the title has covered 

Step 5: Follow-up

  • Make sure you send a follow-up thank you email within 24 hours – collating all points from meeting and any key areas of interest 

Step 6: Circulating notes

  • Send around key notes and follow-up points for the team – include journalists email address if they’re happy for any member of the team to get in touch with them over upcoming restaurant PR stories 
  • If anyone has shared a specific pitch or invite let them know straightaway if journalist is interested in attending 

Step 7: Keep the relationship alive 

  • Make sure you keep in touch every 3-4 weeks 
  • The email doesn’t need to be constantly pitching, it can be more of a general how are you and do you need anything from us 
  • Don’t always bombard them for coverage – make sure you approach the relationship delicately and politely
  • Make sure you always invite them to client events which could just be a nice evening for them 

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