Restaurant marketing is a big part of what we do at Me:Mo. Which sits closely with design. Design is in fact often an anchor within marketing, it is more than just a logo or poster. On the whole it connects the company to your brand and most importantly to your customers.
Customers can recognise good or bad design. If the design is bad it will ultimately not create the desired impact. If the design works, then people will be drawn in, creating a memorable brand image. Design is the quickest way to show your brand’s face to the world.
A recent design task our creative team have been working on, is freshening up some menu flyers for Chapter Coffee. A roastery and café nearby Kensington Olympia and West Kensington station
Their original menu flyers were dated – so a simple refresh of fonts, stripping back of layout and information has brought them to life again – reflecting the brand in an overall more modern way.
Newsletters are a primary and effective communication tool within the restaurant marketing industry. Customers are of course more likely to trust a business that sends them useful non-spammy e-mails as well as carefully curated and well-designed.
Recent newsletter for new client launch SOW – is simple yet effective, on brand and eye catching. Using movement and gifs within newsletters is a simple way to make your newsletter stand out from the rest.
Num Num is a modern Chinese restaurant based in Southwark. They’ve recently introduced a new office delivery service so needed an effective way to communicate this new concept to local businesses. The flyer is clear simple and to the point, with infographic icons making the information easier to digest. Num Nums branding is bright and colourful – this in itself makes this informative piece eye catching and fun
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